350:WORKS! -- a LIVE works on paper show promoting Global Climate awareness and ACTION
Calling all glue-schticks, writers, spencilinas, paper DIYers!
350:WORKS! is an exhibition and happening of LIVE art + craft-making taking place at Gallery Extraña on October 24th. On Saturday, from 3-7 pm artists, poets, musicians and individuals ready to ACT / MAKE / SHARE will gather at Gallery Extrana. The afternoon will include live art & crafts on paper, live music and other acts of participation on the theme of climate change & its global impact. Proceeds from artwork sold on the 24th will benefit Philippine Rescue Aid through MIGRANTE International.
350:WORKS! is an ACTION event registered with Bill McKibben’s 350.org movement which aims to bring awareness to the pressing issue of Global Climate Change. Why 350? Scientists say that 350 parts per million (ppm) CO2 in the atmosphere is the safe limit for humanity. We currently have 385 ppm CO2 in our atmosphere. In December 2009, world leaders (delegates, non-governmental organizations, and businesses from every nation) will gather at the UN summit in Copenhagen to finalize a new global climate change agreement. Visit 350.org for a list of events in 170 countries (and counting) on this day of worldwide ACTION! Register to participate & save yourself a space or just come and enjoy the spectacle!
Artists: Lawrence (Larry) Jordan, Matt Gonzalez, Masako Miki, Chris Russell, Jeffrey Manson, Brian Lucas, Kaliisa Conlon, Sarah Jane Lapp, Rob Reger and more!
Music by Charles Gonzalez and Jeffrey Manson
galleryextrana (at) gmail (dot) com
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